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Home > English Support > SmartCONTROL > Connect WIFI Products > 02 - I cannot add my WIFI product in the application
02 - I cannot add my WIFI product in the application
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Below are troubleshooting solutions for your device discovery problem:


1. Did you restart your internet box ?

Many internet boxes need to be restarted in order to add new devices properly. This often happens when they have not been restarted in a long time.
Restart your box and try again to install your device.


2. Demo of the 1st installation mode :



3. Demo of the alternative installation mode :



4. Was my device is factory mode ?

Your device turns red when it is in a factory state. It must be in that state before installing it.
If not, follow the video below to reset it to factory state and be able to add it to your application:


5. Are you close enough to your internet box ?

The device you are installing must be within 10 meters of your internet box in order to configure it in the application.


6. Is the GPS activated on your phone ?

Since IOS 13 and on Android, it is necessary to enable localization to install your device on your network. We do not use your position in any way. It is therefore necessary to enable and allow GPS access to the application in order to add your device.


7. Did your screen lock during the installation process of your device ?

You must not exit the Smart Control application or lock your screen during the installation process of your device.


8. You have the message "You must be connected to a valid wifi network"

There is a bug on iPhone preventing access to the wifi network on which your iPhone is connected. Just restart your iPhone to stop meeting it while waiting for an update from Apple.

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